7th gen, coreium

The tenth are going on. No contact yet. Nobody is building a space lift. No seed, no neuro-shit, but we are getting Mega Cons. If we get the shit, why cant we have the good parts of Future? Radio recovers, bringing a very few things i actually like. Privacy is a thing from the past, only barely remembered. The whole maker movement is big now, at the edge on eating itself for the fun and joy of capitalism.


2014.8-2016.2 (2016.2-2016.11 as gaming rig)

Even so i just decided to combine desktop and mobile (with the x200), i bought this basically with the intention to split mobile and desktop once again, but to combine gaming and desktop. This device seemed pretty perfect for that: decent GPU, really fast quad core CPU, lots of RAM, full HD display. For this kind of use neither the lack of a docking port nor the rather heavy weight mattered. Not even a glare display is to bad when used inside. Yet, i would probably nor opted for a consumer notebook if it wheren't for the really low price. I even build the CB®tttw, some kind of DIY dock for it.
I had intended to run Windows inside a VM with GPU passthrough, but it had a Nvidia GPU, and Nvidia driver detect VMs and stop working (only expensive professional card allow for virtualization). Thus i had to fall back to dual boot. Which i did not do. Which i did never do, because that so unwieldy. And having mobile and desktop split again led me to use mostly the x200 instead. And that was the end of that idea. I simply changed back and used this for gaming.
  • Dell XPS L502X
    • Core i7-2670QM
    • 2x4096 DDR3
    • Intel HD Graphics 3000, Geforce GT540M
      • Dell B+RG FHD
    • Crucial CT128M4SSD2, Samsung HM641JI
  • Arch Linux, Microsoft Bloaty™ Gameloader 7

2016.3-2016.10 (also mobile)

I got this from a friend. Nice little thing! It replaced the 2730p, and later the xps as a desktop. Finally unifiying mobile and desktop again.
Technically a really nice device. Except that the keyboad is subtly wrong, i guess the keys are a tad too small.
  • Fujitsu Lifebook p771 (QM67)
    • Intel Core i7-2617M
    • 2x4096MB PC3-10600
    • Intel HD Graphics 3000
      • Fujitsu SCENICVIEW P20-2
    • Intel Centrino 6205, Sierra Wireless Gobi 3000
    • Fujitsu S26391
      • Toshiba DWC130
      • D-Link DUB-H7
        • Logitech RX 1000
        • tmk_keyboard ps2_usb
          • Cherry G80-3000
        • Hantek DSO2090
        • HP LaserJet 1012

2016.10-2016.11 (also mobile)

IBM ThinkPad x200s (see below)

2016.12-2016.12 (also mobile)

Getting a great notebook is kinda hard these days. Well, "great" by my definition at least: smaller than 14", non-chicklet keyboard with F-keys, trackpoint, decent resolution, non-glare, big batteries, low consumption, modestly rugged, docking station, good build quality.
The x220 is the last with the good keyboard, but has only 1366x768. The x240 is available with 1920x1080, but only with chicklets and without F-keys.
So i thought and bought a overpriced x201s. But meh. The Display might have a decent resolution, but otherwise its as bad as ever. The battery live is quite bad too, for i could not get it below 8W (well, most of the time 9W). In the end i sold it a short time later on the 33c3.
  • IBM ThinkPad x201s
    • Core i7-620LM
    • 2x4096MB DDR3
    • Intel HD Graphics
    • Samsung 840 Series MZ-7TD120
    • IBM Advanced Mini Dock
      • Fujitsu SCENICVIEW P20-2
      • DIY hybrid amp
        • Braun L530
      • D-Link DUB-H7
        • Toshiba DWC130
        • Logitech RX 1000
        • tmk_keyboard ps2_usb
          • Cherry G80-3000
        • Hantek DSO2090
        • $file Statusding
      • John USDoe-Hub
        • HP LaserJet 1012
        • Canon CanoScan LIDE 20
  • Gentoo Linux

2017.01-2017.07 (also mobile)

Awesome little thing, this thing. Though not as little as i like, its light enough. Actually, considering its 14" screen (FHD and IPS, mind you!) 1.6kg are not at all bad. And its build like a brick, even quite servicable. Classic keyboard, trackpoint, long battery life, quiet, docking port, it has it all.
Three years old and yet probably the single most expensive thing i ever bought. Actually, i bought it way over price, and in a rather bad condition. And thus i had to put even more money into it to get it in a decent shape. I could have waited for a better deal, but i was too impatient.
Bad, bad, bad.
Half a year later i realized that i avoided using it by any means. It annoyed me. A LOT. At first unconsciously, but it got worse when i realised it. It was a tad too big too. So i decided to sell it off as long as it was worth anything. Maybe half of what i had thrown into it.
Lesson learned!
  • Dell Latitude E7440
    • i7-4600U
    • 2x8192MB DDR3L-1600
    • HD Graphics 4400
    • Crucial CT250MX2
    • Dell E/Port-Replikator II
      • Fujitsu SCENICVIEW P20-2
      • Dell Precision M80
      • Toshiba DTB320
      • ORICO VL812
        • Renkforce CS523
      • D-Link DUB-H7
        • Logitech RX 1000
        • Cherry G80-3000 MX blue
        • Hantek DSO2090
        • $file Statusding
        • Optiarc AD-7580S
        • Epson Stylus DX6050
      • Rat amp
        • Braun L530
  • $file Arch Linux OpenRC


2014.12-2015.8 (2016.10-2016.11 as main & mobile)

During the preparation of 31C3 i bought this nice chimera from another angel: a X200s with the LED backlit display of a x201. Nice, less than 8 Watts for lazy stuff, perfect to carry around. I discontinued it for a while when i used the 2730p and then again when i used the p771. I used again for a few months until i got the x201s.
  • IBM ThinkPad x200s
    • Core 2 Duo SL9400
    • 2x2048MB DDR3
    • Intel 4500MHD
    • Super Talent TeraDrive CT2
    • IBM Advanced Mini Dock
      • Toshiba DWC130
  • Arch Linux


I bought this from where the qx came from. Lacked a hdd (uncommon card-sized one). But a really awesome machine. I totally loved it. It replaced the x200.


No dedicated mobile device. During this time i had the p771, x200s, x201s and E7740 as main and mobile device. Although, i had always some of the other mentioned devices as kind of a backup. And even other, more fun related ones.



I bought this one from the same guy i already bought the Toshi, the Samsung and the Sony. Oh, and the other Sony. I used it quite a while as my gaming rig. Until i replaced it with the xps.
Its hard to notice, but i improved the lazy board. It has now cable management and better upholstering.
  • Samsung QX412
    • Core i5-2520M
    • 2x2048MB DDR3
    • Nvidia Geforce GT 520M
    • Hitachi Travelstar Z5K320
    • Creative Fatal1ty Headset
  • Microsoft Bloaty™ Gameloader 7


Dell XPS L502X (see above)


Made a shot on Ebay, was pretty cheap because it came with a small hdd and only 2gb of ram. That was easy enough to fix. And i finally got a second RX 1000, which seems to be the only non-ergonomic (that's a code word for "actually usable") laser mouse on the planet.
Like the M90 its a older mobile workstation. I really like the design, and its build quality is outstanding. I really like this machine, and i am a bit sad that there are no small notebooks this cool ;)
The lazyboard got more updates. It now has a small table as a stand (which doubles as a side table), and the cable management got cleaned up.
The damn thing somehow lost its ability to detect the dedicated GPU (not my fault, i only poured coffee over it! Twice.), and after some weeks of using the internal Intel GPU i sold it off and looked for another one.
  • Dell Precision m4700
    • Intel Core i7-3720QM
    • 2x4096MB DDR3 + 2x2048MB DDR3
    • AMD FirePro M4000
    • Kingston SMS200S3/240G
    • Samsung HM641JI
    • HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GS30N
    • Logitech RX 1000
  • Microsoft Bloaty™ Gameloader 7



I loved my Raspy, but it lacked a bit of the Ooompf. We have 50Mbit VDSL2, which is too much for a humble Raspy, it can only do around 20. i missed the other 30.
And after all, i do like handicraft. So i started a new one, based around the cubieboard 1. Yeah, i tend to be slow. When i started the cubieboard2 wasnt released, but when i finished the cubietruck was getting old already. Ach well :)
  • CheapAss Ltd plastic case
  • CheapAss Ltd 12V wallwart & CheapAss Ltd 12v to 5V step down converter
  • Cubieboard 1
    • AllWinnerTech A10, ARM Cortex-A8
    • 1024MB DDR3
    • Mali400 MP1
    • WDC WD5000BEVT
    • D-Link DUB-H4
      • Atheros AR9271
      • MosChip MCS7830
      • Toshiba Kingston DataTraveller
      • iPazzPort Apache TM
    • Watterott "Breadboard für Cubieboard" (cheap baseboard)
      • CheapAss Ltd 15" TFT
      • 433MHz RF Transmitter
      • Dallas DS18B20
      • Nokia 5110 Display
      • 2 Relais (TFT)
  • Cubian

https://deadline.ignorelist.com/ Bad link: 0


This was a tough generation. It saw a lot of change, although it felt like a steady decline in how much i liked the devices i used. It all started when i decided to buy a big, fast notebook with a decent GPU to use for work and gaming when at home. For mobile use i intended to keep the x200s, which i really liked. I also intended to use the Vaio for browsing, video and light gaming when idling on my couch. Thus i bought the XPS. Then everything started to decline.
My intention was to use GPU pass-through to run Windows in a VM for gaming. But apparently the Nvidia drivers don't allow for that (its reserved for professional GPUs). So the XPS needed a reboot for gaming and i needed to switch devices between mobile and home. I ended up using the Vaio (and later the qx420) for gaming and the x200s for everything else. Ultimately, i changed my plans and used the XPS at the couch and the x200s for everything else.
Then i got the p771 which was considerable faster than the x200s and had USB3, both i learned to like. And then i got the Elitebook, which had an awesome IPS panel. Which made me notice the poor quality of all other notebook displays i then had. At this point, i had three small notebooks, each not really to my liking: the x200s too slow and bad display, the Elitebook too slow too, the p771 had a bad display too and not trackpoint. I also had a gaming notebook that needed underclocking to not overheat when used for gaming.
I bought the x201s for a ridiculous price in hope to get the perfect mobile device. Which it wasn't. The display had a descent resolution, but abysmal colors and the power consumption was to high too. I sold off the XPS and bought the m4700 as a new gaming notebook. I really liked it, awesome machine. Which led me to a bit of research and the whole 7440 fiasco. Don't get me wrong, the 7440 is a really awesome machine. But due to all my mistakes it was a machine that i avoided to use because it annoyed me so much.
Then i basically killed the m4700 and in the wake of that i rethought my intention, sold basically every notebook i had off and started over.
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