4th gen, build upon AMD K7 stuff from local fleamarkets

Second half of the Klojahre. Radio became a weapon of brain destruction, with unbelievable bad music from casting shows and moderators who made me hate them with just a few words. Hollywood got better slowly, TV Shows became awesome. Board games started to make themselves known. Work became the new University. I had trouble aplenty. Gaming went online, foreshadowing a heavy decline. The Internet became boring and evil. Surveillance became the next Bomb hanging over my head.



Shortly after i fled from the cursed student dorm of doom i got hold of an AMD Athlon as well as a socket A board and some DDR ram. Startet a new build. Over time i aquired quite some nice parts for this machine, but it was always hexed by the cursed boards of anoyancy.
I went through quite a few of them, and every single one had its own unique flaw. Maybe it lacked a necessary feature, or it was in some way slightly broken, or maybey just plain bad.
So i was always swapping parts, trying to fix the one good (but slightly broken) board or mitigate whatever other flaw just bugged me the most. It got so far as to made me run it without a case for a while (this kind of flying wiring is in germany sometimes called "Igel" (hedgehog). Keep on swappin'!

I once started to fully customize an old Medion case for this machine. Painting and cutting a window and so on. It kinda failed and I ended up using this simple and cheap black case. The purple accents are made with the rattlecan bought for the failed mod, though.
I have mixed feelings about this one. It was kind of fun, but also kind of painfull. But Matrax rox!
  • Various socket A Boards of all the brands
    • AMD Athlon 1333
    • 3x256MB DDR
    • Matrox G400
      • AOC LM700
    • SB Live!
    • Hauppauge WinTV go
    • Samsung SV120H
    • LightOn SOHW-16135
    • Iomega Zip100
    • HP LaserJet 5l
  • Gentoo Linux



I bought this one from another friend. Much better than the Gericom: very silent, low power drain, neat design, light weight. It just suffered from a weird bug: Sometimes, out of the blue, it just froze. Sometimes twice the hour, sometimes not one single time in a few weeks. It happened on hot and cool days, with Linux or Windows, nothing mattered. But high network Traffic seemed to rise the probability. What kind of network did not matter. Ethernet, WLAN, from Chipset or PCMCIA or USB, interrupt driven or memory mapped, no matter. Other high IO Load did not rise the probability. It wasn't bad memory. Even multi Day long checks did not show any memory trouble.
A hinge broke, and was replaced by what might had been the last spare part in this city. Then the next hinge broke, but there where no more parts anymore. Fixed it with a piece of cooper and some 2k. It worked fine for years to come.
  • Sony PCG 214GR ?
    • Intel Pentium 3m 866
    • 2*128MB SDR
  • Windows Me, Gentoo Linux

# Letztes Bild aus 11.08



I dont even remember where i got the nice GeForce. Maybe a fleamarket? Mouse and CPU i bought new, the GPU used. The board was one of the cursed ones not used in the main system. The monitor was scraped of the walls from a friends parents basement. The soundcard is from a fleamarket. The rest was just there.
  • Some only partly broken mainboard
    • AMD Sempron 1500
    • 3x256MB DDR
    • Geforce Ti 4200
      • Sony Mooltiscan E400
    • SoundBlaster PCI512
    • Realtek RTL8139
    • Samsung SP0812N
    • Toshiba SD-M1502
    • Elta Media, Logitech RX1000
  • Windows XP



My first real home server. Build from crap lying around.

    • Intel Pentium 2 433
    • 2x128MB SDR
    • 2*Realtek 8139
    • 2*Samsung SV1604N
  • Gentoo Linux

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