The Touchpad has three really nice physical buttons, but for reasons beyond my understanding, it reports itself as clickpad. As a result, the right button does not work and the left only when a finger is on the pad.
Fix for Xorg
First, make sure to use synaptics instead of libinput. Installing xf86-input-synaptics under arch an restarting Xorg should suffice under Artix.
xinput set-prop "DELL09C3:00 0488:120A Touchpad" "Synaptics ClickPad" 0
Or create a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-disable-clickpad.conf and restart Xorg:
Section "InputClass" Identifier "Disable clickpad for Dell Precision 7550 Trackpad" MatchProduct "DELL09C3:00 0488:120A Touchpad" MatchDriver "synaptics" Option "ClickPad" "off" EndSection
Anyway, this fix stopped working somewhere after Linux 5.16.7. Don't know why or how to fix it. Currently i stay with 5.16.7.
This Quirk did not help me:
This Quirk did not help me:
Suspend / Resume
WD19DC Docking station
Works mostly very well and out of the box. Here is the but:
Depending on drivers, X- or Wayland-Server, settings and connetced displays, the external display may not be detected at all. Usually, switching to console and back fixes the issue. Although the display may vanish again when changing the configuration.