Unholy Switch of MPDoom


I had this nice 19" 16 Port 100Mbit switch my employer had thrown away. Pretty large, but mostly filled with air. I decided to make it a smaller case. I used the same cheap two part case i used for the cubie. Cutting holes for the switch was easy with the cheap plastic. I had some plastic spacers left, so i glued them to the ground to mount the board. Because of me being a wuss i screwed the power supply scurely to the back. Then things got a little bit out of hand. I had a NSLU2 left (the same as i used in the rennschnecke). I though i throw it in too. Space was unused, cant have that! Again i used spacers to mount the board, but this time glued them to the top. It had to have its own power supply (the swicth uses 3.3V), which i glued to the floor


I added a 32 Gig Pendrive, the electronics from a malfunctioning USB headset and a littlewire. Since the NSLU2 has only two populated usb connecters i had to wire the USB audio module directly to the board (it had no plug anyway).

Creative wiring to connect the NSLU2's ethernet to the switch.


I never used it, and some day i removed the NSLU2 to keep it for other projects and use it now just as a switch. Well, in all honesty, its just stored away and i should get rid of it, what is a 100mbit switch nowadays anyway?
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