Hackwrench (the sever thingy, not the mouse)

A wee little server thing build for the Chaos Communication Congres 2019 out of scraps i had around. Build into a wooden -cigar- chocolate box are two old 2.5" spinning iron disks, a DawiControl Raid controller and a Cubieboard I. And some very crusty wiring :)

I build it just to be among the cool kids who bring all these awesome servers to the congress. But backpack compatible and with a targetted price point of around zilch. It was a fun quick project and actually works quite well. Although pretty slow.
The Cubieboard was leftover from my former Server, the disks, well, those just collect like dust and raid controller ... no clue, honestly.


Path: 25.3, Handler: 0.051, Options: 67.78, Content: 22.856, Template: 0.03, Render: 10.635